Chiki Chiki Restaurant in the Melbourne CBD

Chiki Chiki Restaurant

While wandering around the CBD one weekend, we stumbled across Chiki Chiki Restaurant. It looked very inviting and we just could not pass up the chance to have a hot Japanese meal at reasonable prices.

Chiki Chiki Restaurant

Location: 187 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000


Menu items:

The staff welcomed us warmly as we entered and we opted to have a table outside.

The menu board is prominently displayed at the entrance and after a few minutes of deliberation (as everything looked so yummy!), we placed our order.

Cheesy Chicken Curry

First to arrive was a bowl of Cheesy Chicken Curry. The curry is typically non spicy (but no less flavourful). The addition of cheese gave a new dimension to the taste.

Ebiten Don

Next came the Ebiten Don. It consisted of 3 pieces of crispy tempura prawns on rice. We liked the well fried prawns and would certainly have this dish again.

Veggie Kakiage

A plate of Veggie Kakiage soon graced the table and they looked as great as they tasted. Each mouthful of crunchiness sent us to savoury heaven.

Karaage Chicken Curry

Last on the table was the Karaage Chicken Curry. It is a very filling meal by itself.

The experience of dining at Chiki Chiki Restaurant certainly made our day.

Do check out the restaurant the next time you are in the Melbourne CBD.

Cos we were so glad we did!

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